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• Yamas & Niyamas;
• Yoga sutras of Patanjali;
• 8 Limbs of yoga;
• Sanskrit • Ethics of a Yoga Teacher;
• Hatha Yoga Pradipika;
• The five Tenets;
• The Vedas/Unpanishads;
• Bhagavad Gita;
• The 4 parts of Om/Aum;
• 'Namaste' as a teacher. "
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Gain a deep understanding of the Yamas and Niyamas and how they can implement them into every day lives;
• Gain an understanding of the 8 limbs of yoga, what this means to them and how they can implement these into every day life;
• Understand the history of Sanskrit, be able to sound/pronounce relevant Sanskrit words;
• Understand the ethics of being a yoga teacher, the responsibilities of being a yoga teacher and how moving forward they need to consider how they act, behave and treat people;
• Gain an understanding the value of teaching yoga as a service and being of service to others (seva);
• Gain an understanding of Hatha Yoga Pradipika and how they can use this knowledge during a class;
• Gain an understanding of the philosophy of Jivamukti Yoga and how this is relevant to their practice;
• Gain a understanding of the Vedas/Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita and how this is important to them and the history of yoga they are a part of;
• Gain an understanding of Aum/Om and the 4 different areas;
• Understand what Namaste means and what it means to them as a teacher."
• General anatomy of the body;
• The Skeleton System;
• The Muscular System;
• The Respiratory System;
• Functional Anatomy.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able:
• To understand anatomical language, including the planes of the body, location terms, types of body movement and basic yoga starting positions;
• To understand the structure and function of the skeleton system, the types of bone and bone tissue and the various joints of the skeleton;
• To understand the structure and function of muscles. How they contract, are attached, their position and action of major muscles in the body, whilst applying it to yoga;
• To understand, the structure and function of the respiratory system and how breathing is controlled;
•To understand the function of the skeleton, muscles, connective tissue and nerves to move the body, applying it to 30 different yoga poses, whilst considering the main limiting factors for bones and muscles in these postures;
• To understand how all this new information can help when teaching.
• Location;
• Sounds/postures/colour;
• Balanced;
• Unbalanced;
• Other relevant information;
• Ida, Pingala & Sushumina.
Learning Objectives
Students will -
• Gain an understanding of the location and sounds of each chakra;
• Gain an understanding on the importance of balanced chakras and how to balance them through a variety of methods but also yoga postures;
• Gain an understanding of Ida, Pingala & Sushumina;
• Gain a deep understanding of the Yamas and Niyamas and how they can implement them into every day lives.
• Benefits/contraindications/alignment;
• Standing Neutral poses;
• Standing External poses;
• Arm Balances;
• Backbends;
• Forward Bends;
• Twists;
• Reclined (Supine) Poses;
• Restorative;​​
• Inversions.
Learning Objectives
Students will -
• Gain an understanding of over 65+ yoga postures;
• Gain an understanding of the benefits, contraindications, alignment, misalignment's and modifications for all of the 65+ asanas;
• Be able to apply knowledge learnt in anatomy into their alignment and understanding of the asanas;
• Gain an understanding of inversions and how to find correct alignment;
• Gain an understanding of how to help students in developing their inversions.
• Kapalabhatti;
• Ujjayi;
• Nadi;
• Kumbhaka;
• Bhramari;
• Standing Deep Breathing (Bikram);
• 3 Part Breath, Abdominal, Thoracic, Clavicular and Full Yogic.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Gain an understanding of the importance of pranayama;
• Understand the different types of breath, their benefits and where these can be appropriately introduced into a yoga class;
• Understand how pranayama, meditation and yoga asanas are all linked and how to include in everyday life;
• Gain guidance on how to guide a student through the different styles of breath.
• Breath;
• Surya Namaskar A;
• Surya Namaskar B;
• Surya Namaskar C;
• Surya Namaskar Modifications.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Learn Surya Namaskar A, B & C;
• Learn how the breath is taught in each Surya Namaskar;
• Be able to offer options in Surya Namaskar A, B & C depending on who they are teaching.
• Breath;
• Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Postures;
• Peak Pose;
• Counter Postures;
• Yoga Styles: Hatha/Ashtanga/Bikram/Jivamukti.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Learn the relevance of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical postures when writing a flow sequence;
• Understand the concept of a peak pose and how to add one into a flow class;
• Learn what a transitional and counter posture are, their importance and which ones layer together;
• Gain an understanding of different yoga lineages and how their sequences are sewn together.
• Teaching in small Groups;
• Posture clinic;
• Seated teaching exercise.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Gain the confidence to teach postures;
• Gain the understanding of how different body shapes look in postures, and how to support the student into a better alignment;
• Practice teach using verbal instruction instead of showing.
• Pregnancy Yoga;
• Teaching Beginners;
• Teaching Seniors;
• Chair Yoga;
• 1-2-1 Yoga;
• People with injuries/recovering from operations;
• kids/teenager Yoga;
• Adjusting Students;
• Teaching advanced yogis.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Gain the importance of adjust the class based on the students in the room;
• Gain an understanding of how different ages/abilities benefit from modifications and using appropriate props;
• Understand how to adapt a class to different ages and abilities;
• Understand how to amend a class to safely guide children and teenagers through a practice;
• Go through some ideas of how to make yoga more suitable and engaging for children and teenagers;
• Understand of the benefits of adjustments • Understand of the concerns and care that must be taken when completing adjustments • Understand how to adjust people and where these adjustments are appropriate;
• Understand how to check that an student is happy to be adjustment;
• Understand what postures can be introduced for an advanced yogi;
• Understand how to safely guide a group through an advanced posture for the first time.
• Cueing Tips: Breath/posture/cue;
• Hands on adjustments;
• Teaching scripts;
• Being a new teacher;
• Teaching styles;
• Qualities of a teacher;
• Communication skills;
• Boundaries of a yoga teacher.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Gain the importance of Cueing tips and how to ensure they are beneficial for the class they are teaching;
• Gain understanding and practice hand-on adjustments without interfering with a students practice;
• learn the difference between a teaching script and a cueing points;
• Practice delivering audible cues which help are clear and concise that support the students in class;
• Understand the different styles of yoga teachers and the look at what kind of teacher they want to be;
• Discuss and understand the boundaries of a yoga teacher.
• Benefits of the heat;
• Types of heated studios;
• Modifications;
• Contraindications.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Be able to identify and explain the benefits of teaching in the heat to new students;
• Have an understanding of the different types of heating system available in studios and how that impact the class/room/students;
• Understand how to adapt a class when teaching in the heat compared to a 'normal' heated studio;
• Understand what contraindications they need to be aware of when teaching in the heat.
• Insurance;
• Self Employed;
• Knowing when to say NO;
• Your online presence - marketing and advertising.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Gain an understanding of why insurance is important for both the student and the studio;
• How to start as an Self employed yoga teacher;
• Understand the importance of self care and not taking on too many classes;
• Gain an understanding of how they want to portray themselves on online media forums based on their ethics of being a yoga teacher.
• Recap over multiple Choice Exam;
• Support time for 2,000 word assignment;
• Practice teach as the lead teacher.
During this time we will:
• Recap over the material which will be tested in the final written exam;
• Support the students in their 2,000 word assignment to support their chosen topic;
• Practice teach to the whole class in preparation for their final teaching exam;
• Have a chance to sit with the Lead Trainer and go through any area they are not 100% sure on.
• Teach 1 hour of class per student;
• Multiple Choice written exam (MC);
• Yoga Project.